TransLate Night Show (Photos: Vitali Gusatinsky)

Vuoden viimeiset Jamit, ts. ”TransLate Night Show”, oli menestys ja elämys. Käännöksiä, kääntäjiä ja kääntäjyyttä tuli käsiteltyä koko illan yli kahdenkymmenen esiintyjän voimin. Lavalla kuultiin sanataidetta yhteensä YHDEKSÄLLÄ eri kielellä! Se on enemmän kuin koskaan.

Suomennoksista vastasivat saksasta Jukka-Pekka Pajunen, englannista Kasper Salonen, espanjasta Tarja Roinila ja ukrainasta Eero Balk.

Illan valokuvista vastaa Vitali Gusatinsky.

The last Poetry Jam club of 2014, dubbed the ”TransLate Night Show,” was a rousing success and an incredible experience. More than 20 people performed at the event to celebrate poetry in translation. Not only that, but a total of NINE different languages were heard on stage! That’s more than at any previous Poetry Jam, or indeed any of the HPC’s events over the past six years. Thank you, all.

And thank you also to those who translated the poems into Finnish: Jukka-Pekka Pajunen from German, Kasper Salonen from English, Tarja Roinila from Spanish and Eero Balk from Ukrainian.

The photos from the evening are by Vitali Gusatinsky.

Last-minute check.


Lassi Hyvärinen, who read translations…


… of poems by Matthias Göritz.



Judith Zander


Aura Nurmi read the translations.


Sabine Scho, and her impressive Pecha Kucha photographs from Portugal.


Sanna Karlström recited the Finnish translations.



Kasper Salonen, host and producer. Here seen being powered via that white cable.


Sabine Scho


Dxxxa D, our dj for the night, is also a performance poet and proved it!


Volker Sielaff.


Dxxxa D read Pajunen’s translations with gusto.


Trista & James taking it all in.




Lovely ladies.


dj Dxxxa D



Lasse Hauerwaas read translations of Marta Larrío.
Marta Teresa Pino Larrío


Ridiculously Photogenic Audience Member.


Aura & Oleksandr


Trista Hurley-Waxali
Kasper read his translations of three of Trista’s poems.
Oleksandr Mykhed


Aura reading Balk’s translations.



dj Kayot of 5LOOPS


MC s’Poom of 5LOOPS


MC Krick of 5LOOPS




And then it was open mic time!


(This is a great way to hold a notebook.)




Jamiroquai in translation!!


Folks from the Arcada school came and shot all night


Languages from outer space!



Classic shot, nice one Vit.


Arcada first-timer!


Ye Yint from Burma; we are grateful for his presence.




The event is finished.



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