Ruusu Open Mic 29.3
PLEASE NOTE: Because of current situation of Coronavirus, we are going fully online. You can still join into open mic via email: ainokaisa.huusko@gmail.com. Just add headline Ruusu Open mic and your name. You will then get insturctuons to join via Zoom, and all you need is a computer or smartphone with a webcamera and microphone. The open mic slots are 4 min long each and they’re limited to 25.
Ruusu Open Mic is coming! Last Sunday of March makes us to fall in love with poetry again. As accustomed this Sunday stage poetry club starts with two invited warm up acts followed with the main event, that is the open mic itself! Our warm-up peformers are poet Nathalie Sallegren and actor-poet Kheba Touray.
Each performer will be carefully listened to and cheered on – especially, if it´s your first time! The open mic slots are 4 min long each and they’re limited to 25. You can register for them during the first break, right after the featured poets. Unfortunately you cannot reserve your spot in advance and the running order will be randomly drawn. You can also hook up your instrument or beats to our sound system with your own cord.
Ruusu Open Mic is free from any discrimination. We don’t accept any racist or hateful content or behaviour. Our event adheres to Safer Space Guidelines found here.
Unfortunately, Sörkan Ruusu is not fully accessible. At the main entrance there is ~ 20cm step and door ~ 60cm wide, side door ~ 20cm step and door ~ 55cm wide, and there is some kind of plywood ramp if asked. However, one of the bathrooms is accessible and all the bathrooms are for all genders! During the club we also have induction loop available for hard of hearing people cooperation with Kuuloliitto (hearing loss association) ry.
The night is produced and hosted by Ainokaisa Huusko and Elina Ortamo. Free entry!
A warm welcome!
Another upcoming Ruusu Open mic events are held at 26.4. and 31.5.
Poster: Hanna Tullila